Dance Café Dancing with Parkinson's - Imprese #1

Dance Café Dancing with Parkinson's

ÖHA Öblarn

POZOR! Tato událost již proběhla.
Dates: Wednesday, January 24th / February 21st / March 20th / April 24th / May 22nd / June 18th 2024 from 3:00 p.m.
to 6:00 p.m.
Dance afternoon "Active and fit with Parkinson's" - dance project of the Parkinson's self-help group Ennstal.
This dance café is generally aimed at the young at heart and dance enthusiasts. Everyone is welcome, whether alone or as
a couple, with or without health restrictions. It is a cozy and sociable get-together with coffee, cake and dancing.
Voluntary donation
With integrated exercise instructions
Registration required with Ms. Andrea Stabentheiner at: +43 699 10 53 23 63
Venue: ÖHA Öblarn
Supported by the Styrian Health Fund.

ÖHA Öblarn
Öblarn 99
8960 Öblarn

Andrea Stabentheiner
+43 699 10 53 23 63
