Tauern Tour
partially opened Motor sport · Gröbminger Land
Aktuální podmínky
14/11/2024 - 20/05/2025
The Sölkpass has been closed in winter since 14.11.2024. It is possible to drive from Stein/Enns to the village of St. Nikolai!
Informace o túře
Trasa: 460.14 km
Doba trvání: 07:00 h
Výstup: 7376 m
Sestup: 7376 m
Nejlepší roční období
A marathon of curves through magnificent valleys, over the Roman mountain passes of the Niederen Tauern, through national parks and nature reserves, an unparalleled range of sights. What the ENNSTAL CLASSIC participants are rather denied, i.e. stops at the most beautiful places, is offered to the tourist motorist in abundance. On the long route, the maxim of the Classic philosophy unfolds in all its facets: the Alps, the friends, the clock, the time.
Více informací
Popis trasy
The tour From the starting point Gröbming on the B 320 eastwards - Trautenfels - Liezen - Rottenmann - Triebener Tauern -Zeltweg further on the B 78 via Obdacher Sattel - Bad St.Leonhard - turn onto Klippitztörl (partly gravel road) - Althofen - on the B 93 into Gurktal - Gurk - Sirnitz - Hochrindl (partly gravel road) - Ebene Reichenau - Bad Kleinkirchheim -Radenthein - Millstatt on the B 99 to Gmünd - Kremsbrücke - Innerkrems (Nockalm Road) - Turracher Höhe - Predlitz - Murau - Schöder - Sölkpass - Stein an der Enns - Gröbming.
Centre of Gröbming
Centre of Gröbming
The provisions of the Austrian Road Traffic Regulations apply to the entire route.
Compliance with the road traffic regulations and all other statutory provisions shall have absolute priority at all times.
Tipy autora
- Redbull Ring Spielfeld
- Krakauebende - Walk to the Etrachsee - Günster waterfall
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Předpověď počasí
Vybrat datum
Dry and bright with plenty of sunshine, clouds will be rare.
Sunny and cloudy periods will alternate throughout the day.
Variable cloudiness with sunny spells and a chance of showers around noon.