Schildlehen Trail (no. 9)
easy Trailrunning · Ramsau am Dachstein
Tour characteristics
Distance: 9.6 km
Duration: 01:30 h
Ascent: 135 m
Descent: 135 m
Best time of year
The tour
The majority of the trail follows along gravel paths or easy forest trails.
90% on gravel paths or easy forest trails.
10% on asphalt roads.
More information
Turn-by-turn directions
From the starting point, the path leads north until you reach trail no.1. Follow a trail through a fir forest in the direction of Dachsteinstraße until you reach Ramsau Beach. From there, you will turn around and run back to Ramsau Ort.
Getting there
Von Westen:Tauernautobahn A 10 bis zum Knoten Ennstal - Abfahrt Richtung Graz/Schladming - rund 20 km auf der Ennstal-Bundesstraße bis nach Schladming - Abzweigung Ramsau
Von Norden:Pyhrnautobahn Richtung Liezen Ennstalbundesstraße bis nach Schladming - Abzweigung Ramsau
Ramsauer Verkehrsbetriebe Fahrplan
Langlaufstadion Ramsau Ort
Cross-Country Stadium Ramsau Ort
Cross-Country Stadium Ramsau Ort
On this trail, you will have to cross country roads and side streets.
Please be careful!
- Running Attire
- Headgear
- Trail Running or Running Shoes
- Hydration Pack or Water Bottle and Cereal Bars or Energy BArs
- Map or Trail Running Folder
- Sport Watch
- First Aid Kit
- Mobile Phone in case of an emergency (there are QR-Codes along the trail)
Author’s recommendation
As there is a risk of injury, street shoes should not be used for trail running.
Tips, hints and links
Here are a couple of rules to make it run smoothly:
- Put aside your daily stress and enjoy moving outside within beautiful natural scenery.
- Take your time! Your training will depend on your age, general health, physique, and cardio.
- Pay attention to proper running and breathing techniques.
- Running is fun! Monotony is the beginning of the end. Try varied your trails in length and intensity.
- Warm-up: Easy stretches are recommended before and after your training. This will help the mobility of your muscles and protect you from injuring them.
- Cool-down: slow down in pace. Adapt your cool-down phase to the duration of the trail.
- Nutritional advice: do not eat for approx. 2 hours before your training but drink a lot of water before and during your run. After your training, eat carbs like pasta, potatoes, wheat, rice,...
- Wear sweat-wicking clothes and chose the right running shoes for yourself (they should have a 1/2 inch gap at the front). Your shoes should offer shock-absorption, stabilization and the right rolling characteristics.
Please pay attention to sign-posts to protect our environment.
Kompass / Der Dachstein
Freitag und Bernt /
AV Karte / Dachstein
Weather forecast
Mostly cloudy, but dry at daybreak. Soon snowfall will start.
Snowfall and sleet will last into the afternoon, then it will dry up towards evening.
Frequent snowfall and snow mixed with rain towards evening.