Alpine hut celebration at Schwoagalehen - Impression #1 | © TV Schladming-Dachstein

Alpine hut celebration at Schwoagalehen

Aigen - Schwoaga Lehen

ATTENTION! The event has already taken place.

A traditional alpine festival in picturesque surroundings, starting with a festive mountain mass framed by the Aigen band.

The sounds of the band can also be heard afterwards. D'Hoabuachan will provide hearty music.

Food and drink will be well catered for. The local farmers' wives will spoil you with a variety of regional specialities prepared according to traditional recipes.

For a stress-free journey, follow the appropriate signposting on site.


Schwoaga Lehen
Vorberg 6
8943 Aigen im Ennstal

Bauernbund Aigen
8943 Aigen im Ennstal

Getting here

You can find the exact route here:
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Alpine hut celebration at Schwoagalehen - Impression #2.1