Maggi Rust | © Maggi Rust

Maggi Rust (AUT/CHI)

Cultur Centrum Wolkenstein

ATTENTION! The event has already taken place.


Friday, December 20, 19:30h, CCW

The cellist, singer and composer Maggi Rust, who has lived in Chile for 14 years, creates a very personal connection between her two worlds with her solo debut. In her album “Dual”, she reflects on her own path as a European immigrant in South America as well as on current socio-critical issues. You can hear compositions in the Latin American singer-songwriter style, which are characterized by traditional Styrian music as well as pop influences. Although the majority of the songs are sung in Spanish, some of the original compositions are sung in dialect and in English.

Maggie Rust - Cello

Cultur Centrum Wolkenstein
Bahnhofstraße 110
Stainach-Pürgg 8950

Cultur Centrum Wolkenstein
Mag. Helmut Günther
+43 3682 23250


Maggi Rust | © Maggi Rust