Öblarner Krampusspiel | © Öblaner Krampusgruppe / Christoph Huber

Öblarner Krampusspiel - UNESCO cultural heritage

Hauptplatz Öblarn

ATTENTION! The event has already taken place.

Every year in early december the traditional Krampus spectacle will be performed at Öblarns market place. Children needn´t got to be scary of birch strike, like in former times, because our ethnic spectacle don´t convey cruelty. Viewers will get in touch to old tradition 'without' fear. Mystic figures like 'Schab' (man wrapped in straw, snapping their whips in cycle beat), 'Graßteufel' (wood-demon with brushwood costume) and 'Flechtenmann' (a wild man draped all over with long plat of trees) will be effecting a scary-beautiful atmosphere to the audiance. The quarrel between summer and winter will also be performed.

The Krampus spectacle of Öblarn, based on text of 18th century, is one of the last folk-spectacles of this kind in Styria.
