Reiteralm Trails | © Lorenz Masser

Reiteralm Trails

1 Review


A total of 15 kilometers of single trails have been created. They are divided into two blue (easy) and two red (medium) trails. In addition, two old hiking trails are released as shared trails. The difference in altitude is 700 meters. Insiders assume that the Gassl Trail with start on the Gasselhöhe will become the bike highlight on the Reiteralm. So that bikers can make extensive use of the newly created offer, the Reiteralm Bergbahnen operate the Preunegg Jet five days a week.

Find more information about the Reiteralm Trails here. 



1 result

Nette Trails eher für Anfänger

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Wer schon in etlichen Bikeparks war, wird eventuell enttäuscht sein, aber die netten Trails laden zu entspannten Runden ein und im Gegensatz zu sonstigen Anlagen genießt man auch beim Radeln ein wunderbares Bergpanorama.
1 result