Hofpürglhütte - Südwandhütte | Sun Trail Dachstein: Stage 01

gemiddeld Multi-day tours · Ramsau am Dachstein

Parcours: 14.2 km
Duur: 06:00 h
Beklimming: 1311 m
Afdaling: 708 m
Beste jaargetijde
De tour

The myth of the Dachstein – views of a mountain personality

At 2,996m above sea level, the Dachstein is the second highest peak in the Northern Limestone Alps and the glaciers are the easternmost in the Alps. Although the Dachstein fails the mark of 3,000 meters by a couple of meters it has long since become one of the most famous mountains in the Alps thanks to its striking south walls.

This magnificent mountain with its diverse landscapes has always fascinated people and it is not for nothing that it is considered a mountain personality: Rugged rocks over green pastures, bizarre peaks, towers and huge walls, glacier ice, limestone rocks and lonely plateaus, primeval forests and peaks with panoramic views, mysterious karst springs and reflecting ones Mountain lakes characterize the images around the Dachstein.

Many important people have left their mark around the Dachstein. Painters and writers, researchers and noble patrons, mountaineers, climbers and speleologists, miners and craftsmen. The first ascent was made in 1834 by Peter Gappmaier from Filzmoos, the striking 800 m vertical south face was conquered by the brothers Franz and Georg Steiner for the first time in 1909. The Steiner route named after them is still one of the climbing classics and one of the most sought-after routes in the Eastern Alps.


From west:

Tauernautobahn A 10 to the Ennstal junction - exit in the direction of Graz/Schladming - about 20 km on the Ennstal federal road to Schladming. Turn off in Schladming Mitte and follow the state road in the direction of Ramsau am Dachstein. From Ramsau then continue with the hiking bus to the starting point. If you pick up your car at the end of your tour with the hiking bus in Filzmoos, you can exit the A10 at the "Eben im Pongau" exit and continue to Filzmoos from there.

From the north:

Pyhrnautobahn in the direction of Liezen Ennstalbundesstraße to Schladming. Turn off in Schladming Mitte and follow the state road in the direction of Ramsau am Dachstein. From Ramsau then continue with the hiking bus to the starting point or if you park your car in Filzmoos with the hiking bus back to Filzmoos.

You can take the Ramsauer Verkehrsbetriebe bus from Schladming or Ramsau am Dachstein to Filzmoos and from there take the Filzmoos hiking bus to the starting point at the Hofalmen.


Ramsau Kulm car park, at the tourist information office.

Hofalmen, Filzmoos
Dachstein Südwandhütte

Changes in weather patterns, quick falls in temperature, thunderstorms, wind, fog and snow are some of the dangers that can be encountered on a hiking tour. Hosts of alpine huts and mountain refuges have a lot of experience in the mountains and can give good advice about weather and the trails. Poor equipment, overestimation of one's own capabilities, carelessness, poor personal constitution and/or wrong judgement  can lead to critical situations. In case of thunderstorms: avoid summits, ridges and steel ropes.

GPS data and orienteering

Available GPS data - just like hiking maps - is only a guidance for orientation and can never depict a trail exactly with all its details. Especially at dangerous spots it is essential to judge on site how to proceed.

In an emergency please call:

  • 140 - for Alpine emergencies (all over Austria)
  • 112 - European GSM emergency number

A well-packed backpack is helpful and especially when touring Alpine terrain a tuque, gloves, a windproof jacket and pants are standard equipment. Good, waterproof shoes, sun glasses, sun cream and sufficient beverages are essential too. Torch light, a map of the area, knie and a small first-aid kit should also be in the backpack.


Datum kiezen
's morgens
's middags
's avonds
Some clouds in the morning, lateron much sunshine and hardly any clouds
's morgens
's middags
's avonds
Dry and sunny throughout the day with hardly any clouds.
's morgens
's middags
's avonds
Dry and sunny throughout the day with hardly any clouds.

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