Via ferrata garden "Stoderzinken Klettersteiggarten"

gemiddeld Via ferratas · A, B, C, D, E · Gröbminger Land

Parcours: 0.19 km
Duur: 00:45 h
Beklimming: 106 m
Afdaling: 13 m
Beste jaargetijde
De tour
You can reach the via ferrata garden via the Florasteig (A, 1-), which requires surefootedness and a head for heights!

Karl via ferrata (D)

This via ferrata is one of the 4 practice via ferratas, which are rather short, with difficulty level C/D, well suited for advanced climbers. The via ferrata "Karl" is named after Karl Matuschik, who was a founding member of the Gröbming Mountain Rescue Service as well as the head of it for many years.

Julius via ferrata (E)

The most demanding via ferrata of the short practice via ferratas pushes even advanced climbers to their limits; strength and endurance are required here. The via ferrata "Julius" is named after Julius Steiner. He created the Stoderzinken in its current form: road, lifts and the Steinerhaus were built between 1958 and 1968. He was a mountaineer, skier and ski jumper before the war and the first head of operations of the Gröbming Mountain Rescue Service after the war.

Emil via ferrata (B/C)

This via ferrata is very suitable for beginners. It always goes moderately steeply uphill and is ideal for getting to know. The via ferrata "Emil" is named after Emil Ritter von Horstig. He was the first pioneer on the Stoderzinken, who also built the Friedenskircherl and initiated the first wave of development on the Stoderzinken with coal mining around 1890.

David via ferrata (A/B)

With difficulty level A/B, the David via ferrata is well suited for children and gives them an unforgettable first experience on the rock. The via ferrata "David" is named after David Zefferer. He was the last miner in the coal mining on the Stoderzinken under Baron Emil von Horstig.



The entry point to the rope routes alone is a valuable experience, offering a fabulous view of the Enns valley and the surrounding mountains. To pass the Florasteig without climbing equipment, you have to be sure-footed and free from vertigo.

Via Ferrata „Karl“

This route is advanced level and you should be well grounded in climbing. Some parts are difficulty level D. Via Ferrata „Karl“ is named after Karl Matuschik. He was a founder member of the mountain rescue and also chairman for years.

Via Ferrata „Julius“

This route is for climbing experts only. Some parts are difficulty level E and there for strength and stamina are essential. Via Ferrata „Julius“ is named after Julius Steiner. He constructed the road and lifts on Stoderzinken and also the Steinerhaus from 1958 to 1968. Pre-war he was a climber, skier and ski jumper and post-war he was the first director of operations of the mountain rescue.

Via Ferrata „Emil“

This is an ideal novice route and ideal for a first time experience. Via Ferrata „Emil“ is named after Emil Ritter von Horstig. He was the first pioneer on the mountain Stoderzinken. He also built the little church „Friedenskircherl“. In 1890 he initiated coal mining there.

Via Ferrata „David“

This route with difficulty level A/B is ideal for kids and offers an unforgetable experience, where they can prove their skills. Via Ferrata „David“ is named after David Zefferer. He was the last living miner of the coal mining on Stoderzinken.


After you pass by „Friedenskircherl“ you follow the trail Florasteig (must be free from vertigo). You can find the history of the route below.


After you arrive at the grassland there are four versions to choose. You can find the history of the route below.


At the end of all four rope routes you cross the swing bridge, and then you have the choice to turn right to continue hiking up towards the peak of the Stoderzinken (2.048m) or to turn left to follow the hiking trail back down towards the carpark.

Gröbming - Stoderzinken - parking at Rossfeld 
parking Rossfeld at Stoderzinken
Friedenskircherl Stoderzinken
Rope bridge

Please note!

Hiking via ferrata routes is a demanding sport amidst the gorgeous, rough nature. For your safety, please observe the following rules:

1. Via ferrata tours are demanding and require a good level of fitness, no height vertigo, and sure-footedness.2. Always bring a helmet and via ferrata kit and attach to the safety rope. Many mountain rescue missions are a result of carelessness and bad weather conditions.3. Many routes require most of the day. When planning a tour, always include the possibility of a sudden change of the weather and consider it in particular regarding clothing and food supplies.4. Always act with respect towards other mountaineers. Inform them about eventual dangers if need be.5. Be careful with nature!

Alpine Emergency Numbers

Mountain Rescue 140European Emergency Number 112

The rating of a via ferrata difficulty level is, equally to rock climbing routes, subjective, and it is for that reason to be taken as a reference. A rating system that is as much standardised as possible tries to even out the problem regarding subjective difficulty rating. In particular the individual factors such as a person’s height, technique, and fitness level, equipment, or mental state as well as the actual objective conditions (weather conditions, humidity, ice, elevation, length, etc.) make the rating even more difficult.

Complete via ferrata set and helmet.


Datum kiezen
's morgens
's middags
's avonds
Some clouds in the morning, lateron much sunshine and hardly any clouds
's morgens
's middags
's avonds
Dry and sunny throughout the day with hardly any clouds.
's morgens
's middags
's avonds
Dry and sunny throughout the day with hardly any clouds.

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